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Art from Home Initiative
In this ‘ART from Home’ initiative…
You are able to create in the privacy of your own home, at your own pace, taking the time to think through each stroke/placement/addition/incorporation to your own individual creative process. Then you, alone, get to decide what you want to do with your unique art piece:
* You may put it in a portfolio and journal about the experience
* You might want to display your art-work so you can continue to think about what you made and why
* You may, or may not, want to share it with family, friends, therapists, etc.
This is the beauty of the ‘ART from Home’ program.
Everyone will benefit from being CREATIVE !!!
* You may only be open to play with art (see Tamlin’s ‘JUST 4 JOY’ series)
* You may want to use your art to understand yourself more clearly (see Tamlin’s ‘ART with a Purpose’ series)
* You might want to show your therapist your art-work so they can see the images you are exploring. (see Tamlin’s AWAP and her 1-on-1 ‘Soul Search’).
The ‘ART from Home’ program is only as effective as the energy you put into it.
Tamlin sincerely hopes that you:
* Won’t compare your art to others around you. You are your own distinct creative.
* Remember that there are “NO MISTAKES IN ART.” That takes the pressure off. (Just say “I meant it to be that way”).
* If you have a set picture in your mind, your art will never turn out that way. Let that idea be a starting point and give yourself permission to change direction. That’s when the magic happens.
* Know that everyone is creative. Perhaps your expertise is in the garden, or kitchen, or in a workshop or behind a computer.
But remember, EVERYONE is CREATIVE.
The discussion questions in the lesson plans are valuable in helping you to understand what you made and why. Whether you are sharing with your therapist or merely talking to yourself… never forget to ask the questions provided. They are there for a reason.