May I be clear, I am not a Therapist. I am an experienced art teacher who may, in some circumstances, work side-by-side with therapists/counselors/CEO’s/parents/teachers in hopes to help their students/clients/team members/families to see their life’s situation more clearly through visuals. My expertise lies in helping my art students to express their thoughts and ideas clearly. With that awareness they are EMPOWERED.
I am an art teacher with 40+ years of experience teaching the creative process to many different populations (inner-city, kids with addictions, veterans, special needs, brain-injuries, eating disorders, the privileged & affluent, (which are the hardest to reach, by the way) as well as all the “normal peeps” in between.
(“Normal”?…There is NO normal in art).
I have a BA in Art Education from Michigan State University and that was all I needed to catapult me into the extraordinary path I have experienced. Mentors along the way have guided me into a lane where I have excelled and I am grateful beyond words for their guidance, their gifts and talents, their patience, but most of all their belief in me.